Saturday, December 12, 2015

Types of vitamins and mineral

Types of vitamins and minerals and their sources

Vitamins and Minerals play an important role in maintaining the health of the body and help to keep the immune system in good condition and to assist in the healing of wounds and disease control. So should we get all the vitamins and minerals we need through a balanced healthy diet that includes at least five servings a day of fruits and vegetables and we must try as much as possible to underestimate the taking vitamins and minerals in the form of pharmaceutical products as they may inhibit the absorption of other minerals or may accumulate updated in the liver poisoning medication so you must take medical advice when we dealt with these drugs.

Sources and functions of vitamins and minerals:-
Vitamin A or beta-carotene:
Beta-carotene is a dark yellow dye found in some foods naturally, which the body converts to vitamin A, also known Balritinol

It is present in milk, margarine, cheese, egg yolk, liver, fish oil, tuna, sardines. Found in fruits and vegetables, especially carrots, tomatoes, red bell pepper, vegetables Alo paper, mangoes, apricots, broccoli, sweet potatoes.

Vitamin B1:
Found in breakfast cereals, potatoes, milk and dairy products, meat and dairy products, fruits and vegetables

Vitamin B2:
Found in milk and dairy products, breakfast cereals, meat and dairy products, brewer's yeast, eggs.

Benefits of Vitamin B2:

Essential for the development and growth of the body.

Vitamin B12:
It contributes mainly in the composition and safety of red blood cells, Maintaining the integrity of the nervous system
Found in animal foods (meat and dairy products), milk and dairy products, fish, eggs, and also in breakfast cereals, brewer's yeast, and some marine algae.

Vitamin C:
Necessary for the safety of the blood vessels, bones, and muscles , It helps in the healing of wounds,It increases the absorption of iron found in food and It helps protect cells.

Found in fruits especially citrus fruits such as lemon, grapefruit, fruit juice, green leafy vegetables, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes.

Vitamin D:
It helps the body absorb calcium from food so it is essential for the integrity of bones and teeth,Important and necessary for the safety of the nervous system and the heart.

Found in margarine, fish oil, oily fish such as mackerel, salmon and sardines, egg yolks, breakfast cereals.

Vitamin E:
It found in vegetable oils, margarine, egg yolks, whole grains, almonds, and leafy vegetables.

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